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Tag: temperature

Articles tagged as Temperature

What Is Hashimoto's Disease?

Posted on March 12, 2024 by Dennis Gage
Hashimoto's disease is really a chronic thyroiditis.It really is seen as a the production of autoantibodies that attack the thyroid.This can eventually result in a insufficient thyroid hormone, thyroid fibrosis, and infiltration of thyroid tissue by lymphoid tissue.Hashimoto's disease can be a common reason behind a goiter.A goiter can be an enlargement of the thyroid gland.It becomes clearly visible as a swelling on leading area of the neck as the thyroids will grow 2 to 5 times larger than normal...

So... Which One Do I Use for My Arthritis, Heat or Ice?

Posted on October 24, 2022 by Dennis Gage
Heat has long been used to provide temporary relief of arthritis pain, and is utilized in many diverse forms.Contrast baths, whirlpools, electric pads, microwaveable gel packs, hydrocollator packs, infrared lamps, and hot showers are some of the various techniques used.Even warm tap water probably will meet some of your needs for heat therapy at home.Heat can provide temporary relief of pain and stiffness, and can prepare you for physical activity or exercise...