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Tag: diseases

Articles tagged as Diseases

Knowing More About Cord Blood Banking

Posted on September 23, 2023 by Dennis Gage
When a mother continues to be pregnant with her child, the umbilical cord is in fact regarded as the lifeline between your mother and the infant.After the umbilical cord has been discarded following the baby's birth, you then will lose the opportunity of being in a position to obtain precious cells that the cord contains which are a precise match together with your baby and that you could have preserved...

Stem Cell Research

Posted on February 20, 2022 by Dennis Gage
Stem cell research holds more than hope for cures.The jury is in on stem cell research.Stem cell research can provide a cure for your incurable illness.With private stem cell research a personal cure for an ill patient can be accelerated.With each michroscope from the lab tuned into your distinctive disease a rapid cure is guaranteed.Private stem cell research for the wealthy (that will eventually lead to cures for everybody ) has arrived!So now you are all relaxed about your health's potential because some countries such as Switzerland and a few American states such as California are starting to endorse stem cell research...