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Tag: individual

Articles tagged as Individual

Fight Against Flu

Posted on February 10, 2024 by Dennis Gage
Flu is really a small but potentially deadly word whenever we derive what this means.Flu is really a contagious respiratory disease due to the influenza virus.The onset of flu usually occurs over the last week of October and lasts until late April or early May.Flu could be categorized into three types:Type A - a potentially severe illness that easily spreads within a population, even globally, affecting numerous people at exactly the same timeType B - generally less severe and will affect fewer people...

How Distressing is Social Phobia?

Posted on October 12, 2021 by Dennis Gage
Social Phobia or SAD is a kind of anxiety disorder characterized by extreme fear, anxiety, or distress when exposed to a social gathering or when doing something before a group of individuals.Public speaking is the most frequent situation that exposes the individual's social fears.An individual suffering from this disorder develops significant anxiety symptoms such as sweating, fast heart beat, tremulousness, and restlessness when making a presentation or giving a minor talk...